Saturday, August 29, 2009

Over the last five months if any one wanted to short ....he would been really bruised...and any bearish person must be wondering what the hell is going on ...things are not getting better and they are worse but why is the whole world buying and living on hope.
The answer is the surpising lqiuidity ....which created the bubble of oil which created bubble in real estate...they know there are lots of people who are the biggest suckers who trade on price or say invest when mkt is going up.
The great power of leverage has come back and all so called dumb analyst giving buy forecast like the world is alright now...but honestly it isnt ...and the time bomb is still ticking this was jsut a trailer i think.when it will blow is very tough to tell.
There is an old saying : " while playing poker if cant spot the sucker on the table then your the one"
So there is no choice but to wait ...coz we could be makign history here ....but every event needs a trigger like the satyam fraud ....people who knew me somethign is coming out with our turn dates but didnt know what was it...
Some senior person told me that historical bottoms are made when there is a huge volume ssell off....or till people say i hate stocks and dont talk about them for more than a year
THis market has nothign to do with fundmanetals....it is the cheap money which is driving the markets and when the plug is pulled u will see the worst falll since we are connected more today than anytie in the past ....news flows faster than our thoughts....so there coudl eb tremendous price action in shorter time ...
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