People say one cannot Time the market.Those who say so only say it coz they cant do it.History has it that One of the smartest minds know when it is time ...to buy or sell. Some people have an intuitive ability to do it some people do it with math.If people say one cannot time the market that what the hell are Fibonacci levels used for then.Or why do they say i will buy if certain Pe and sell a certain PE. (personally if e is not known P goes for a toss).These are jsut indicators people have used in time to define the rules of the game.Someone foudn this and the whole world uses it now.But what is the assurance that it is accurate.If people know when the prices are going to expand or contract a as certain fibo level... cant they be manipulated .Yes surely it can.
Events are predicted by other ways or calculations not known to normal people, the herd.But are these events predictable.Answer is yes .But you may ask how ? Now that is a big secret.
Yes the old algebra the trigonometry.Why do we learn all these thigns in our hig school.Has anyone thought what are these really used in real life ?
Back in the old days people didnt have computers .Just pure numbers and angles.
Even the mayan civilization was so advanced in such things in those ages that they had calculated their own calendar .ROme, egypt and their relics show what kind awesome calculations they had discovered in building their monuments.
Anyway we went too deep into stuff.So lets see if we come can solve the mystery .I have ben workignon Time cycles for 1.5 years.Only for the past few months i have got good hang on it and when i apply it backwards the results are shockingly accurate.But Lets see if ti works and tells us waht is coming before it happens.
September 18 is liek the D day i think everything will take a U-turn.Septmeber has been tough to understand since it has had cluster dates.Only thing is if it goes wrong that means there are little flaws in the accuracy of cycle repetition .