Now the cheap money is getting euphoric and thans to the FED which is creating this massive moentary colllapse.I guess they ahev totally decided to make the $ worthless or this is one hell of a bear trap for all shorters of the $ .
Whatever it is ...it is not good for long term ...it may be good for shrot term.Forget nifty 5200 goes to 5000 or 6000....but what good it is when the prices are being inflated ..earnings will not be in par with the sepnding.This is bigger debacle they are causing which is oen step ahead of the depression of 1930 ....GREATEST DEPRESSION here it comes.
Once again once th e $ breaks ...tha tis the index breaks 74 it will start having free fall but the question one is shoudl ask is why is crude not shootign up whereas gold is....i am sure once it starts making new lows the economy of the world is going into bottomless hole .U can gamble but it is going into point of no return.