We have to look back in time for this as to what has happened in the last 100 years.How many times do we really do that.How many times we look for monetary collapse patterns in the roman times.Anyway we wont go that far but what really happened in the last 100 years is what is well look at .Bubbles bubbles bubbles everyone loves it.
Period of 1900 - 1932
1933 to 1950
War and recovering from that
1950 to 1980
Commodities speculation
1980 to 2000
Stock bull speculation
2000 to 2007
Real estate speculation
Now all the three are deflating ...the problem is people are trying to fix a broken system which will create more damage . The clock is ticking tic toc so people who are bullish need to be afraid than people who are bearish .Something has to give in US either devaluation of the dollor or equities and bonds meltdown for a fresh start ....