So markets shrugg of the panic which was not really a panic it was jsut to create tickling effect .But i would say it is an illusion.Now things can go way higher great GDP great profits.These thigns are told by the media to pep up the crowd.But it takes real conviction to say hey what are u pricing it on.Now if things go higher it is fishy of what bubble the etf arena is providing .There was a time when everyone wanted a piece of japan and then it was silenced for years.The rich and influential do this.They jsut dotn want people or the crwod to make money.But there are few exceptions who can call their bluff and profit from it.But ther eis a high probability that they will pull the plug now.The nervousness shows that somethign is wrong and it isnt comign out.Dubai thing was a nonsense event.Till the booze flows all is good .The minute it is over u wil see breath taking fall which the world has ever seen>That moment no oen will care about GDP PE growth numbers .It could be a case where all longs will run liek headless chickens.Let the mkt go up it is great news for the bears coz it will soon flal on its own weight.