this is a simple TA stuff which any guy can understand ,,,The problem for gold bulls is the realty of gold spike is wrong.They have some reason to spiek gold but I THINK GOLD IS IN FOR A BIG CORRECTION which will rattle the gold bugs.IT is not time for 2000$ .Infaltion guys are wrong here.And GOld is not a hedge aginst inflation anymore. It is real money but not yet .The media is all over it to con the naive guys.Right now hedge funds are driving up the prices.They will dump in on late comers.So dont watch the price action infact i will tell u short it in $ terms and go long on the $ .that could yeild some free gold ....whichis 50% crash(in $ terms) in gold and 50% rally in $ .Isnt it lucrative(please have stops coz it can react like oil )