WIth this hype surrounding the $ crash adn gold goign through the roof .This is a low probablity event .It is liek buying puts for your stocks.What if they really print their way out or the $ devaluation happens.If i ma not wrong if $ collapse is in no ones interest .Especially Asia .Exports will slump or even take a nose dive.Who is ready for the consumption .You cant create demand overnight.SO the $ wont collapse right away .It is in the best interest to take it up to borrow more and pay less debt.GOLD is in a long term bull mkt but it has to go through litmus test again.It should tank first or say have a shakeout stage of more than 50% from the current levels...
Even during the Great depression GOld jsut doubled infact it made a low in 1931 and doubled in 1933
So if someone is reall interested may be the golden dip is coming ...GOLD OR STOCKS IT DEPENDS