anyway i dont know how it will collapse but call it the black swan.But think like this china starts collapsing and they stop helpiing US .Perfect for deflation of commodities.People are really crazy about commodities and they say only one thing china can consume so no problemo about consumption.
Jim Chanos: China Is Headed For A Huge Crash
This was the headline. Boy what a shocker it will be i always had figures where the SSEC will go below 1000 which is currently at 3250 i think
But kudos to this guy who is connecting the dots
Jim chanos
Chanos is reportedly attempting to short the entire Chinese economy. What's fueling the short case against China?
- The $4.3 trillion Chinese economy is under-performing despite a $900 billion stimulus program.
- China seems to be cooking its books. For instance, it reports that car sales are surging while gasoline consumption is flat. Is that realistic? Or are state run Chinese companies just stock-piling cars?
- China may have too much capacity. The central planners built out productive capacity for a booming economy but China is stalling. In nearly every sector of the economy, China is in danger of producing huge quantities of goods with no buyers.
- China's economic and political posturing signals that its leaders have no idea what is in store for them. The result may be a surprising economic collapse, akin to what happened when the housing bubble popped in the US.