Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Why we are all screwd .not around the corner but may be couple of years

We have to look back in time for this as to what has happened in the last 100 years.How many times do we really do that.How many times we look for monetary collapse patterns in the roman times.Anyway we wont go that far but what really happened in the last 100 years is what is well look at .Bubbles bubbles bubbles everyone loves it.

Period of 1900 - 1932

1933 to 1950

War and recovering from that

1950 to 1980

Commodities speculation

1980 to 2000

Stock bull speculation

2000 to 2007

Real estate speculation

Now all the three are deflating ...the problem is people are trying to fix a broken system which will create more damage . The clock is ticking tic toc so people who are bullish need to be afraid than people who are bearish .Something has to give in US either devaluation of the dollor or equities and bonds meltdown for a fresh start ....

Monday, December 21, 2009


IT is getting harder for governments to buy United States Treasuries because the US's shrinking current-account gap is reducing supply of dollars overseas, a Chinese central bank official said yesterday.

The comments by Zhu Min, deputy governor of the People's Bank of China, referred to the overall situation globally, not specifically to China, the biggest foreign holder of US government bonds.

Chinese officials generally are very careful about commenting on the dollar and Treasuries, given that so much of its US$2.3 trillion reserves are tied to their value, and markets always watch any such comments closely for signs of any shift in how it manages its assets.

China's State Administration of Foreign Exchange reaffirmed this month that the dollar stands secure as the anchor of the currency reserves it manages, even as the country seeks to diversify its investments.

In a discussion on the global role of the dollar, Zhu told an academic audience that it was inevitable that the dollar would continue to fall in value because Washington continued to issue more Treasuries to finance its deficit spending.

He then addressed where demand for that debt would come from.

"The United States cannot force foreign governments to increase their holdings of Treasuries," Zhu said, according to an audio recording of his remarks. "Double the holdings? It is definitely impossible."

"The US current account deficit is falling as residents' savings increase, so its trade turnover is falling, which means the US is supplying fewer dollars to the rest of the world," he added. "The world does not have so much money to buy more US Treasuries."

China continues to see its foreign exchange reserves grow, albeit at a slower pace than in past years, due to a large trade surplus and inflows of foreign investment. They stood at US$2.3 trillion at the end of September.

IN this case the remaining $ will rise in value to say 2000 levels and will suck the liquidity out of the world economy.THE BOMB IS ticking and people who are bullish know a solution to the problems or are playing a fools game .

Sunday, December 20, 2009


If US is heading for a collapse where is this stock going ...i am jsut taking a guess if things are going to fall apart in 2010 takes some nerve to predict the downside for atleast this company but anyway we have to see if it is possible and look at a bearish possibility ...Ofcourse everything can keep goign up if $ Crashes.But it is jsut a possibility there can be alternate views to this .

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Dec. 17 (Bloomberg) -- European Central Bank officials are moving closer to forcing banks to provide more information about the collateral they give the ECB in return for loans.

ECB policy makers may today approve the start of a consultation process with banks, investors and market participants asking them to suggest how residential mortgage- backed securities can be made more transparent, according to two people involved in the process. The Governing Council meets today in Frankfurt.

The ECB is trying to better monitor the quality of the assets it’s holding in return for the funds it’s pumped into the European banking system during the crisis. European banks have created about 1.1 trillion euros ($1.6 trillion) of asset-backed securities since June 2007, which they can use as collateral for ECB loans.

The ECB’s push “will increase transparency for investors and better information will attract new investors,” said Dipesh Mehta, a London-based securitization analyst at Barclays Capital. “U.S. investors already find the European transactions hard to look at without loan by loan data.”

Banks, investors and other market participants have about two months to comment, the people said. An ECB spokeswoman declined to comment.

ECB Vice President Lucas Papademos said on Dec. 12 the bank plans to take steps to help revive the asset-backed bond market which was dormant for more than a year until September, when Volkswagen AG and Lloyds Banking Group Plc sold investors 1.7 billion euros ($2.5 billion) of the securities.


Under the terms of the collateral consultation, officials want banks to provide information about individual loans such as the value of the property backing a mortgage, details on cash flow and whether the borrower is in arrears, the people said.

Banks in Europe have pledged about 217 billion euros of asset-backed securities as collateral at the ECB, Barclays Capital estimates.

The ECB has already tightened the rules for asset-backed securities it accepts as the central bank moves toward unwinding its emergency liquidity measures. The ECB said Nov. 20 it wants to ensure “high credit standards” are met and aims to restore “the proper functioning of the ABS market.”

Banks have used asset-backed bonds, notes secured by mortgages and credit card bills, more than any other type of debt as collateral in exchange for ECB funding.

The ECB has used money market operations as one of its main policy tools in response to the financial crisis. The ECB yesterday said it loaned banks 96.9 billion euros at its last tender of 12-month funds, more than the 75 billion euros forecast by a Bloomberg News survey of economists.

The ECB may also approve a similar consultation on the securities backed by the loans of small-and-mid-sized companies and commercial mortgages, said the people.


WHEN I SEE THIS STOCK GE it makes me more bearish.I really want to be bullish but when i read statements from IMMELT say lines like this "

GE says worst is over as finances improve"

General Electric Co , considered an indicator of the US economy's health
i feel something not right here .Anyway very short term i think Ge has broken down and it is like relaince of US .When leaders crack we know what is coming.

General Electric’s earnings in 2010 are likely to be flat, but Jeffrey Immelt, its chief executive, expects a simpler, more focused company to post healthy returns in 2011 and 2012.


Sunday, December 13, 2009


Interview With Ian Gordon

TRACE: Great. To start off with the latest news, why do you think that the gold price is taking this rapid jump of about of $60 per ounce over the last week.

IAN: I have never really that concerned about the “machinations” at work. I am extremely bullish on the gold price basically because I think the world is falling into the deflationary depression of the 1930’s and because of that I do not really worry about what is happening in the short or intermediate term. I think we are going to see much higher prices anyway. But I guess if I was to give you an answer I suspect it might be that India is buying the International Monetary Fund gold.

TRACE: 200 tons!. Usually that is trotted out by the gold cartel as “Oh, we are going to sell the IMF Gold and the price will go down. But in this case, India bought about half of what was available. I suppose that China is probably waiting in the wings to buy the remaining amount. Why do you think it is that India is willing to allocate this small percentage of their foreign reserves to purchase the IMF’s gold.

IAN: Well, I think that gold as money is going to shift to the wealthy countries and it is shifting out of the United States because the IMF is essentially run by the United States and is moving to the wealthy countries of the east. And that is where the wealth of the world is moving as well. I think that for a country like India it has to put more of its reserves and it already has cause it only has a minuscule amount into gold because other reserves are in the dollar and you know what is been happening to that. Basically anyone invested in the dollar is being badly hurt.

TRACE: Exactly. I could not agree with you more on these points. Now with the Long Wave Group you focus on long-term waves and particularly on the Kondratieff Winter. And actually we met at a Cambridge House Investment Conference and I think we were both presenting there. And I think we have a pretty similar viewpoint on what is happening. “What is the Kondratieff Winter and the theory that under girds a lot of your work.

IAN: Okay my work is developed around Kondratieff Cycle that was promulgated by Nikolai Kondratieff, a Russian economist in the mid-1920’s. It is a long economic cycle and he based his theory on prices, on the movement of trade, on money movements and inflation and so on. And he came up with this idea that capitalism really underwent this long cycle of expansion and contraction. That the cycle lasted about 60 years, so first half of the cycle is really the expansion phase, and the second half is the contraction phase, and the last quarter of that contraction phase essentially is the depression- a deflationary depression stage in the cycle.

TRACE: Now, just an interesting tangent what ever happened to Mr. Kondratieff?

IAN: Well, Stalin sent him to gulag and he died in about 1938 in the Gulag. I mean some people had it that he was executed but what I read was that he actually just died in the gulag.

TRACE: It would be funny if it were not so sad that we had these political leaders, really just criminal gangs that strut around in their costumes, and yet when somebody comes along and does have a theory, like Galileo for example, and it explains how the world really works then the common response to that is to shove them in the gulag. And Mister Kondratieff was not any different than a lot of the very insightful thinkers that we have seen over the last century.

I noticed from your report that I read, All That Glitters Is Gold that you say:

The velocity of money will essentially come to a standstill … In deflation, as in the 1930s, those few people with money curtail their spending in the knowledge that prices will be lower tomorrow.

Could you please expound on that?

IAN: Most people today are basing their assumptions on the Federal Reserve printing and assuming that that monetary printing is going to lead to inflation. And most of the bullish gold analysts are bullish because they see inflation coming in to the economy. We are of the opposite view. We believe that we are going to have deflation and in fact massive deflation in the economy. And to have inflation you have to increase the money supply. But to have an increase in the money supply the money has to transfer to the people who want to spend it. And to spend it as fast as you can because what they see ahead of them is just rising prices so they buy today rather than pay the high price tomorrow.

What happens in deflation is people do not spend but instead hoard money because they see lower prices tomorrow and they would rather wait for the lower prices. A deflationary environment always sort of happens when the economy is really really bad. And we are going into the Kondratieff Winter or deflationary depression stage and people are scared. Because they are scared they are not going to be spending money but the Federal Reserve and the central banks around the world want them to do. They are going to be hoarding the money which we see with the banks. The banks are not lending money out and they are hoarding it to improve their capital base. So we do not get the fast movement of money in this kind of environment and therefore the velocity of money slows tremendously.

TRACE: And actually I think I have used the term “FROZEN”. But to take the other side of the argument, which I will do here, is not all of the these bank reserves just pent-up demand that will is like flood waiting to happen as soon as the dam bursts. Is not that not the argument of the inflationists. As soon as all these bank reserves finally burst through the dam and they begin lending again then we are going to have tremendous inflation and gold is sensing this future inflation and that is the reason it is rising. How do you respond to that type of argument?

IAN: Well, we have only just begun the real payback period. You know the whole purpose of the Kondratieff Winter or deflationary depression part of the cycle is the washing out of the debt has been built up throughout the cycle. And our present cycle started in 1949 but the main build up of debt occurs in what I call the autumn of the cycle.

And the autumn started in 1982 and that is where the banks really started to make money available to consumers and corporations so there was a huge amount of borrowing that goes on starting in 1982 but it really reached its peak essentially in 2007. And that big borrowing was lent to people who will never have the ability to pay it back. And we can see it in the housing crisis that is now going on in the United States and which we will see go through it in Canada even though most Canadians have believed that will not.

When that happens, all that debt starts to come out of the system. So that is money coming out of the system. And so the banks have been hit hard once on the sub-prime mortgage debacle. They are going to get hit hard again on other kinds of debt like commercial real estate. We are already seeing credit card debt starting to hurt some. So there is a massive amount of debt that is going to have to be taken out of the system.

You look at the United States and there is about $58 trillion of government debt. We have abut $44 trillion of consumer, corporate and financial debt. And about half of that debt is going to be washed out in the winter. I thought of conservatively estimated that it will be about $22 trillion but I suspect it is going to be more.

But $22 trillion, the Federal Reserve does not have the power to print that kind of money so that even if they did print $22T then we would simply be at the same place we are now. We would not have really increased the money supply. Well that is really what is going to happen is that were going to have a massive decrease in the money supply and the amount of deflation like we did in the 1930’s because the debt problems are the same. It was not as bad as then as it is today. And in fact, back in the early 1930’s we had a 30% deflation occurring in the United States. And I see a similar kind of situation happening this time.

TRACE: Now, this is an interesting issue that I address right off the bat in my book The Great Credit Contraction. And it is, what is money? And so I actually like to distinguish money from currency. Currency being the tool or instrument that we use on our ordinary daily transactions. And currency can either be money, money substitutes or an illusion.

Money has to be a tangible assets such as gold, silver, platinum, etc., and a money substitute would be, say a gold certificate like we had in 1933. And an illusion is just some made up little green paper tickets or digits in some database such as Federal Reserve Notes or Canadian Dollars or whatever these fiat currencies are. Deflation under the Austrian school of economics definition is a decline in the money supply, or I would say the currency supply.

Could we have the illusions actually increase in supply to help support more of these gigantic inverse liquidity pyramid that is on top of it OR is your argument that even if the Federal Reserve tries to increase that the currency supply, which are illusions, that the capital will still go lower into something safer and more liquid, primarily gold, and that there is nothing they can do to stop this and therefore the evaporation of the liquidity pyramid because the earning capacity of the worldwide economy just is not substantive enough to support the service of all the debt.

IAN: We have all seen Exter’s inverse pyramid and I have a copy on my website. I know you have developed your own inverse liquidity pyramid and both have in common that at the bottom of the pyramid is gold. Gold is the ultimate currency that people have trusted. And that is really what we are already seeing with the move to gold. There is not any inflation. Yet, there has been a massive move to gold causing the gold price to close in on $1,100 per ounce. So people are buying gold and hoarding gold because they are fearful of what is transpiring.

TRACE: So we see for example the evaporation of auction rate securities, commerical mortgage backed securities or money marketsand those like cash instruments we are seeing people move into are either Treasury Bills or going a step further like the Indians and saying just give me two hundred tons of physical gold bars in my hand.

IAN: Exactly.

TRACE: Fear is definitely a powerful motivator. Now, I would like to tease out another one the quotes from that report you sent me:

Once the debt bubble is unwound, it is deflation in nature because it is painful and results in bankruptcies on both side of the ledger. Actually, it takes money out of the system and during our Kondratieff Winter, trillions of dollars of debt will be expunged.

Now we talked a little bit about the latter part but how about the former. When you talk about it resulting in bankruptcies on both sides of the ledger, what exactly do you mean?

IAN: I mean both the creditors and the debtors are going to be bankrupt. And we have already seen that. We have seen the creditors like the major banks both in the United Kingdom and in the United States being severely impeded by the credit bubble bursting. And we have seen the debtors being severely hurt as well. We have seen General Motors go bankrupt, Chrysler go bankrupt, and that is just the beginning because as they say, the next shoe has to drop. What we have seen really in this recovery phase in the markets and so on is very similar to the recovery phase that we saw 1929 to April 1930.

When the Federal Reserve of that time was really frightened by the crashing stock market and they pushed money into the banking system at a horrendous rate. According to Murray Rothbard in his book, America’s Great Depression, in one week the money supply was increased by 10%. And they brought down interests rates in 6 weeks from 6% to 3.5%.

That got the things going again and it got particularly the stock market going again so we got a recovering stock market from November 1929 to April 1930. And essentially 50% of the losses that occurred before that were recovered.

But the whole thing is that the debt that was underpinning the economy had not been paid back. So the real fragile state in the economy was the debt bubble. That had occurred throughout the 1920’s and it is in the same position today. So we have had a recovery in the stock market and I believe that recovery is over. And we are now going to the next level down in stocks much as as we did after April 1930.

TRACE: A few months ago I wrote about the coming market crash. We have actually already seen the Dow break down below 9 ounces of gold for the Dow, just recently. Now, back to this part about bankruptcies on both sides of the ledgers. I have written about bankrupting for profit and fair value lying standards with the mark-to-market FASB 157 affecting or being applied in keeping some of these zombie institutions alive.

IAN: Well, I think we are seeing it through sleight of hand. Basically, the values of the derivatives that they have on the books have been sort of pushed under the rug and hidden from view so that we are not really going to be a apprised on what the real situation is in the banks.

TRACE: And that perhaps is one of the reasons that we are seeing the bank reserves so high is that all the banks have an incentive to understate their liabilities under FASB 157 and yet at the same time overstate the assets but really the liabilities that one bank holds are an asset of another bank and therefore all the banks know that everybody is lying. And because of that therefore everybody is sitting on a lot of their capital in the form of bank reserves. Would you say that is a fair assessment?

IAN: I think so. Yes. Absolutely right on.

TRACE: OK. I got another quote I found very interesting in that report you sent out:

When that occurs as in 1873 and 1929, and now there is fear and panic. In all panics, there exists an instinctive will in all of us to survive and succor loved ones. Like always, the the paper money system collapsed and gold replaced it.

And so, in my book The Great Credit Contraction, I addressed the issue of Peak Oil. And so I was wondering exactly how bearish of the general worldwide economy are you? Obviously you are bullish about the precious metals but how bearish are you on the worldwide economy and perhaps the standard of living for example?

IAN: Well, I am very bearish. Again we go back to the 1930’s to use that as the measuring stick for what we might expect this time around. And in the 1930’s, the U.S. economy contracted by about 45%, or GDP drop by 45%. Now, I think its going be bigger this time because the debt level is significantly larger now than it was in 1929. But assume that 45% drop from $14T to $8T. So that is a huge, huge drop.

And it means that people are far poorer than they have ever been and an awfully lot of them are not going to be working. In the US in 1933 about 25% of the work force was unemployed and a much larger percentage of the workforce was employed in agriculture.

TRACE: It seems like you are not as bearish as some of people out there. For example, we have extremely complex systems. And when the Federal Reserve intervenes in determining both the money supply and the cost of money through interest rates it amounts to central economic planning. And that central economic planning may have worked when the economy was so simple with for example some thug coming in and saying well you can only sell your cow for a certain amount.

But now we have these hugely complex systems were we drill 5 miles into the ocean to extract oil. And then spray that oil onto our fields as herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers to grow our food, and then we put the oil in trucks and to get the food into the supermarket. We have these hugely complex systems with central economic planning and that central economic planning is now failing. And there is a branch within the peak oil group that talks about die-off. What Obama is doing now is really trying to duplicate what President Roosevelt did.

President Obama and the Federal Reserve think that they can centrally plan the entire economy. Under Austrian Economics theory interest rates regulate production over time. And so, when we have the interest rates suppressed for the last 60 years we have produced a lot of things. Particularly the population of the world has increased tremendously.

Especially with peak oil and this complex systems that can fail do you see that we could perhaps have even a worse case scenario like some of those who talk about a die-off situation?

IAN: Well I do subscribe to the theory of peak oil. But again, I think the demand for oil is going to drop precipitously. Simply because no one’s gonna be working. Again if we use the idea that 45% of the U.S economy is going to be halted. That means essentially that the same kind of oil demand is the percentage dropping oil demand is also going to occur in the United States. And we are only picking on the United States because she has the largest economy in the world but we are all going be in be in the same boat.

So the whole world economy is going to drop by that kind of percentage.

TRACE: But not necessarily a precipitous enough drop that we could see 90% of the earth’s population washed away in this winter because of unsustainability?

IAN: Well, you are not going to see that because, as you know, there is a significant part of the world’s population who basically do not have anything anyway. If we go into Africa, or huge parts of China, India, etc. even though they are emerging nations they still have a large percentage of the population that are extremely poor.

So it is the wealthy nations that are really going to be hurt by this downturn and I think in particular, it is going to be WASP nations- United States, Canada, Australia and Great Britain, because that is probably where we saw biggest debt burden incurred.

TRACE: I agree. I doubt we will see a die-of situation. Thank you very much. If people want to learn more about your work and your theory, how can they do that?

IAN: They can visit my website Long Wave Group. Thank you very much Trace.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


IF CHINA IS really consming why isnt $ depreciating more ...take a look at the crash of oil and when the Yuan stops appreciating against the dollor(2005 to 2008 till july). The twin brothers CHINA and US are creating a mess .But yea DEFLATION is what will come before a real inflation.But the $ has to have a mega rally to prove that deflationist are right.Now commodities are in a sweet spot coz everyone is saying china is buying .Something is wrong somewhere

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Markets Are cornered now

All markets are cornered now and the only way is down.Bulls can wish for a $ collapse but it will createmore panic than anyone can imagine.Yesterday looks like bernanke again talked the$ down with the spike on friday.Somehow i feel there is a massive shortsqueeze comign in $ index as the hwole world is s hort the dollor which could be 10% move in a few weeks.The games these guys at the Fed are playing.It wont last long.So if the mkt goes up let it coz it iwll fall harder and faster than anyone could have thought off.We had the mother of all short squeezes and surely we will have mother of all crashes .Yes not crash ////series of crashes.In india people are still hopefull and all bulls think they rule the roof .The minute $ shoots above that 76.5 mark or the euro breaks i would like to see hwo many bulls come forward and buy . For now the gambling lives on .TICK TICK TICK

Watch this video

Sunday, December 6, 2009


It doesnt look like a sound market for sure for an entry .Really Q is when will this SO called GREAT Bull of china breakdown

Euro breaks 1.48 area it will have a FREE FALL

There is only one hope now i think for and Prosperity and a better future. ANSWER IS RON PAUL.I am not an american but i do know that he is on the right side.And he can put a full stop to all the nonsense to what is going around right now.Unfortunately he didnt win the 2009 elections.But i am hopeful that he will win in 2012. Anyway is campaign to abolish the Fed is the right way to go since this institution is creating lot havoc and killing the value of money .Hope he is able to put a end to them.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

FINALLY is the GREENBACK going up

TAKE A LOOK AT THIS CHART.It shows the games of over people no more casino business .FED IS taking a break from killign the greenback and in white collpor mans terms the fed will raise interest rates and stop their BS on QE and creating free money out of thin air .The $ will collapse and become worthless but not yet . Meanwhile gold is falling to show that nothing is easy and nothign goes up forever> I think the domino effect willstart on defaults of countries now .Mostly european countries .There were rumours of Japan dumping Us debt and saving their skin .So nikkie is doing well with their QE . The worlld has decided i think to save the $ i guess .Bad news for inflationist .Metalls will crash most probably if the greenback starts its squeeze like this .Once Again Robert Prechter is right on deflation .So lets see how it goes .Euro is at a critical juncture ready for a deadly move down against the greenback...Coming days will be great for people who can catch this move.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Now the cheap money is getting euphoric and thans to the FED which is creating this massive moentary colllapse.I guess they ahev totally decided to make the $ worthless or this is one hell of a bear trap for all shorters of the $ .

Whatever it is is not good for long term may be good for shrot term.Forget nifty 5200 goes to 5000 or 6000....but what good it is when the prices are being inflated ..earnings will not be in par with the sepnding.This is bigger debacle they are causing which is oen step ahead of the depression of 1930 ....GREATEST DEPRESSION here it comes.

Once again once th e $ breaks ...tha tis the index breaks 74 it will start having free fall but the question one is shoudl ask is why is crude not shootign up whereas gold is....i am sure once it starts making new lows the economy of the world is going into bottomless hole .U can gamble but it is going into point of no return.

Monday, November 30, 2009


So markets shrugg of the panic which was not really a panic it was jsut to create tickling effect .But i would say it is an illusion.Now things can go way higher great GDP great profits.These thigns are told by the media to pep up the crowd.But it takes real conviction to say hey what are u pricing it on.Now if things go higher it is fishy of what bubble the etf arena is providing .There was a time when everyone wanted a piece of japan and then it was silenced for years.The rich and influential do this.They jsut dotn want people or the crwod to make money.But there are few exceptions who can call their bluff and profit from it.But ther eis a high probability that they will pull the plug now.The nervousness shows that somethign is wrong and it isnt comign out.Dubai thing was a nonsense event.Till the booze flows all is good .The minute it is over u wil see breath taking fall which the world has ever seen>That moment no oen will care about GDP PE growth numbers .It could be a case where all longs will run liek headless chickens.Let the mkt go up it is great news for the bears coz it will soon flal on its own weight.

Sunday, November 29, 2009


I think it is all over for could prolong a little bit coz all central bankers are afraid of the inevitable collapse of the house of cards they have built with liquidity.It did show that how fragile and brittle the world economy is .It started shakign with a small default like dubai.Guess what will happen if UK or some other big economy says sorry mate i cant pay.All those bullish guys will go extinct.We had an unbelievable liquidity rally and i am surely we will have an unbelievable fall.This mkt will nto respond to any more stimulus in the future and what makes anyoen think that people have the power to provide more stimulus.Things would have settled around march april if these so called central planners would have left the market alone but now things are getting much worse.That is why gold is flying coz people have no clue what is coming and the chaos these guys have created.

So crude is around 75$ once it takesout 81 it goes to 91 100$ and if they dont stop the $ fall well see crude do the most unbelievable stuff to sink and tank markets again .But my guess is they will pull the plug nowbelow 72 crude could sharply fall 20 30% easily .Gold shows the same pattern of a major top at 1191 and is in for a 20% minimum correction(i think) .So if this mtk comes back today and tomorrow people will press shorts to see if some major problem comes out.Something bigger than dubai is coming .Things dont sell off for such a small problem.So lets see how it goes

Thursday, November 26, 2009


this is a simple TA stuff which any guy can understand ,,,The problem for gold bulls is the realty of gold spike is wrong.They have some reason to spiek gold but I THINK GOLD IS IN FOR A BIG CORRECTION which will rattle the gold bugs.IT is not time for 2000$ .Infaltion guys are wrong here.And GOld is not a hedge aginst inflation anymore. It is real money but not yet .The media is all over it to con the naive guys.Right now hedge funds are driving up the prices.They will dump in on late comers.So dont watch the price action infact i will tell u short it in $ terms and go long on the $ .that could yeild some free gold ....whichis 50% crash(in $ terms) in gold and 50% rally in $ .Isnt it lucrative(please have stops coz it can react like oil )

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I think this is it .Now it jsut needs ofccial go signal .Frome where it will come i dont know but the sgins of bullishness are there it is time to pull the plug and send shockwaves to the world

Sunday, November 22, 2009


I think all economist and analyst should cut the bullshit of a recovery.Right nnow with low interest rate everyone is in gambling mode.The trillions of $ on interest rates derivatives are ticking nuke .1929 happened coz of borrowing and buying at leverage.Today it is a time of algorithm trading .So once the direction is set no government can stop the tsunami of selling.

Ok now goign forward most of the indexes around the world are fractured but what will be the trigger.It will come now sine they created the bear trap now they are creating a bull trap.So dont get carreid away the fat cats can pull the plug anytime now .

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Well when you talk about china everyone says bullish.Something really wrong here.How can somone grow like this.My sense is china is heading for a huge crash and guess what i found and article which says exactly what i thought.Concentration of wealth always leads to a disaster.

anyway i dont know how it will collapse but call it the black swan.But think like this china starts collapsing and they stop helpiing US .Perfect for deflation of commodities.People are really crazy about commodities and they say only one thing china can consume so no problemo about consumption.

Jim Chanos: China Is Headed For A Huge Crash

This was the headline. Boy what a shocker it will be i always had figures where the SSEC will go below 1000 which is currently at 3250 i think

But kudos to this guy who is connecting the dots

Jim chanos

Chanos is reportedly attempting to short the entire Chinese economy. What's fueling the short case against China?

  • The $4.3 trillion Chinese economy is under-performing despite a $900 billion stimulus program.
  • China seems to be cooking its books. For instance, it reports that car sales are surging while gasoline consumption is flat. Is that realistic? Or are state run Chinese companies just stock-piling cars?
  • China may have too much capacity. The central planners built out productive capacity for a booming economy but China is stalling. In nearly every sector of the economy, China is in danger of producing huge quantities of goods with no buyers.
  • China's economic and political posturing signals that its leaders have no idea what is in store for them. The result may be a surprising economic collapse, akin to what happened when the housing bubble popped in the US.
So looks liek no one wants to tell the truth .. but look at the arguements.I think asia is goign to have the biggest shock in the coming year or two.

Monday, November 9, 2009


Wow it is always amazing how the big guys can make the little fellows in the street go nuts by taking u turns.THAT is why fibo levels are old school .Markets are made to to fool the majority.Panics happen or shall we say created to make the small guys loose.But the thing is it can beat the smart guys who have their unique systems in place.

Coming to the markets.Well gold going up mkts going up somethig fishy right.I mean how can everythign go up at once.And there is talk of dollor carry trade which i heard on the business channel.This whole thing is a succer rally which is in its last phases that is why it is moving up withought any news .With 10% data mkt didnt tank.Some call it resilience .Well i think big guys are holding the tape to shock the world .Sudden death is way to go about it .Coz they wont allow everyone to make money on the downside.So when the time is ripe they will nail it. So dont get bullish thought the tape will make u believe.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


WIth this hype surrounding the $ crash adn gold goign through the roof .This is a low probablity event .It is liek buying puts for your stocks.What if they really print their way out or the $ devaluation happens.If i ma not wrong if $ collapse is in no ones interest .Especially Asia .Exports will slump or even take a nose dive.Who is ready for the consumption .You cant create demand overnight.SO the $ wont collapse right away .It is in the best interest to take it up to borrow more and pay less debt.GOLD is in a long term bull mkt but it has to go through litmus test again.It should tank first or say have a shakeout stage of more than 50% from the current levels...

Even during the Great depression GOld jsut doubled infact it made a low in 1931 and doubled in 1933

So if someone is reall interested may be the golden dip is coming ...GOLD OR STOCKS IT DEPENDS

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Does look liek the next major decline has started but they are setting up well for it .Now the last finsihing touches is to suck more people in to buy longs and squeeze the short term bears. It might be possible that Dow make s a new high now so lets wait and watch .Stage is set.Small decliens are not enought to send shock to the bulls .So when the top is in it could be a shocking fall So have to wait and watch how it plays out now

Friday, October 30, 2009


GREED AND FEAR....THE NEXT 15 months or more will be somethign like this.Now A you can take precuations and prepare for the worst .Once your prepared for the worst you worry less.As for Bears IT IS PARTY TIME STARTING

BUT I DONT THINK IT HAS BEGUN YET IT SHOULD MAKE A NEW HIGH TO START THINGS >..the current scenario loosk too easy so expect a recovery say 5 or 6% rally straight away.LETS SEE

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Astrology does it work in markets

Lots of people laugh at astrology and just shrug it off.It is jsut like another indicator accroding to me.The funda about business and markets is cycles..History teaches us things can repeat coz it si human nature which doesnt change.The mood swings of the crowd.Why very few do well in business and markets is that they dont listen to others.Even if someone si saying somethign they look for the reason.If some guy is saying something the smart chap always thinks is it possible or not and then cut through the crap.People say speculation plays a major role and it si a all cheating game.No it is isnt just like poker you have to call the hand , if your wrong then u lose but if call it right then you win.If everything was going right mkts will always move up and never move down.There is nothing called short term or long term investment.It is the risk someone is ready to take coz eveyrone in this business is here to make money.

Astrology is also a science of stufying the patterns of mood swing recurrence. But it also depends how well you use them.It is just not predicting this plannet will do this or do that.It is a math jsut like people use Fibonacci.

I read this stupid article in which the author says markets are all about fundamentals and technicals....would love to ask him one what basis he based his assumptions.People assume that PE and other ratios are the exact way to buy somethign and sell...that doesnt move things not results not some crazy announcement the bets are always placed before that.Just like art of WAR : EVERY WAR IS WON BEFORE IT IS FAUGHT.Technicals is so vast that it is tough o say it is always a function of trendline and what not.The variables are really many but one should check what works for them and try to see the accuracy.


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Do people really understand what we are up against!!!!

GREED and FEAR.The problem is people dont understand what is fear now .Our is far more connected that it was in the previous 100 years.We have had the mother of all bear rallys.And 99% of the people say it si abull market.Bull markets in the last 100 years or more are never born out of optimism.Something big is coming and we cant see.The govt interventions....evern the govt thinks they have this one great tool of liquidity which can save things..If there is hysteria to buy there can be hysteria to sell to get out...I still keep thinking why si Robert Pechter says casha nd cash equivalents.What could be that bad.Trying my best to work on the timing cycles just like Gann did in and told that 1932 july would be the bottom of the index DJIA. Only man to tell before it happened i guess .Did nt have any computers.He must have foudn the master cycle.People say you cant time the market.I rememb er this famous line from the movie : Persuit of happiness. when the man tells his kid : people tell u it cannot be done coz they can do it.It is possible to time the market but very very rare and few people can do.if everyone can do it they will be stinking rich.

So coming back to the topic....can the govt really save and distribute cash like jim cary did in Bruce almighty.I would say atleast if ur still skeptical about being bearish after this rally you should have some cash to prtect yourself . 45% cash atleast to compensate if there is a selling hysteria in the coming months .Still the trigger isnt there....Earnigns dont move markets it is totaly myth.

We are ina time when things can provide a great entry point ./...question is When....???

Monday, October 19, 2009


EXPECTING A NEWS TO START THE NEXT LEG DOWN ...certainly wont be 5 10% move but more

Saturday, October 17, 2009


DO results really matter is socionomics i guess....and cycles
Chances are that APPLE gives some negative news is high ...i can be wrong but lets see .predicting individual stocks is a bit tough though but lets see below 190 problem for APPLE

Personally i think sucha growth stock will take a heavy beating if nasdaq is going to crash again to say as bad as 40 to 60$ by the end of this bear market ....but in mkts crazy things can happen

Friday, October 16, 2009


DEFLATION IS THE REALLY PROBLEM $ IS GOING TO HAVE ONE MEGA RALLY UP . YEA BELOW 74 really $ may crash and it aint going stop crash if that happens.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


2010 year i think may be a historic coincides with lots of cycles...US generation cycle

Can Us go for a split like a stock....that is what someone has can go to you tube and find out...where the guy says US split into 6 parts...well i cant predict something like that it is too tough...but yea they are creating the biggest mess in the world for sure.

Ok in the coming year these are few thigns in my list which can come true or may be present it is totally crazy levels which i see :

1. GOLD -540$ ,SILVER 6to 7$
2Crude 17 $
3.SNP500 --- 190....will asia still outperform lets see (major bottom for asia i think)

So lets find out......i would not be changing this post ....if i am wrong then who cares btu what if this comes true. Idea should be hope for the best prepare for the worst.

But chances are high still for a super crash. Why not we have had a mother of all bear rallys why can be the mother of all crashes....Robert pretcher has has been saying similar things. "we could buy 10 times the quantity of what we can buy now"

So lets find out ....

Sunday, October 11, 2009


So it made the big bottom around Sept 8 talk about timing the mkts that is how it is done

Anyway chances are high that a sharp pullback possible here....say to around 3.9 or 3 by NOV2

so we have very less time but after that it is goign to shoot up like a rocket 3.2 is a good entry

for 1 year vie wi am sure money can be made on long side with will follow but it is lookign suerbullish if it tanks to 3$ adn can go to 9$ with ease

Saturday, September 12, 2009

The Mystery Of TIME !!!!!!!!

People say one cannot Time the market.Those who say so only say it coz they cant do it.History has it that One of the smartest minds know when it is time buy or sell. Some people have an intuitive ability to do it some people do it with math.If people say one cannot time the market that what the hell are Fibonacci levels used for then.Or why do they say i will buy if certain Pe and sell a certain PE. (personally if e is not known P goes for a toss).These are jsut indicators people have used in time to define the rules of the game.Someone foudn this and the whole world uses it now.But what is the assurance that it is accurate.If people know when the prices are going to expand or contract a as certain fibo level... cant they be manipulated .Yes surely it can.
Events are predicted by other ways or calculations not known to normal people, the herd.But are these events predictable.Answer is yes .But you may ask how ? Now that is a big secret.

Yes the old algebra the trigonometry.Why do we learn all these thigns in our hig school.Has anyone thought what are these really used in real life ?

Back in the old days people didnt have computers .Just pure numbers and angles.

Even the mayan civilization was so advanced in such things in those ages that they had calculated their own calendar .ROme, egypt and their relics show what kind awesome calculations they had discovered in building their monuments.


Anyway we went too deep into stuff.So lets see if we come can solve the mystery .I have ben workignon Time cycles for 1.5 years.Only for the past few months i have got good hang on it and when i apply it backwards the results are shockingly accurate.But Lets see if ti works and tells us waht is coming before it happens.

September 18 is liek the D day i think everything will take a U-turn.Septmeber has been tough to understand since it has had cluster dates.Only thing is if it goes wrong that means there are little flaws in the accuracy of cycle repetition .

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Beginning of REAL PANIC is yet to COME

1974 to 2000 was the the bull what do u think is the end to all this Back to 1974 values who knows.CASH will PROVE to be KING by the END of ALL THIS .to buy truck load but not yet

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Time for natural gas turnaround

Big spurt may be coming in natural gas....when will try to make a guess here ....Sept 3or sept 8 will rocket up...will post more in detail on this..i just checked some data is going to be released today on Gas storage ...honestly didnt know about this which is matching the short term turn date on sep3 so above 2.93 all good for natural gas ....if it shoots above that good spurt till 3.77 possible ...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

How can one not be very cautious


Since Marc Faber has mentioned that Japan has made a major secular low...lets have a look at it... the Picture speaks for itself


Over the last five months if any one wanted to short ....he would been really bruised...and any bearish person must be wondering what the hell is going on ...things are not getting better and they are worse but why is the whole world buying and living on hope.

The answer is the surpising lqiuidity ....which created the bubble of oil which created bubble in real estate...they know there are lots of people who are the biggest suckers who trade on price or say invest when mkt is going up.

The great power of leverage has come back and all so called dumb analyst giving buy forecast like the world is alright now...but honestly it isnt ...and the time bomb is still ticking this was jsut a trailer i think.when it will blow is very tough to tell.

There is an old saying : " while playing poker if cant spot the sucker on the table then your the one"

So there is no choice but to wait ...coz we could be makign history here ....but every event needs a trigger like the satyam fraud ....people who knew me somethign is coming out with our turn dates but didnt know what was it...

Some senior person told me that historical bottoms are made when there is a huge volume ssell off....or till people say i hate stocks and dont talk about them for more than a year

THis market has nothign to do with is the cheap money which is driving the markets and when the plug is pulled u will see the worst falll since we are connected more today than anytie in the past flows faster than our there coudl eb tremendous price action in shorter time ...

Thursday, July 30, 2009


So everyone is partying bull market is on and what not ...dont listen to bad news jump for the good news ...everyone will be rich is the mantra as long term story is too much green isnt it ...all markets going to the moon is the avg joe saying could be as there is so much liquidity into the system.

But somethign not right happening in the currencies .If dollor tanks everyone knows how gold will go to the moon theory.But how can everyone become rich? is the market a genie to be kind to grant u free money.Brokers will tell you 1000 reason to buy.

But the fact remains...US UK japan record level debts/ who is paying for all this ?

Any coming to technical setup ...$ is the bearish ...but i think it is bullish(till 78 or 74 in the USD index breaks) But i think it wont and but 2011 it could rocket to 100+ say 106 .now if that happens what will happen to asia and commodities ...

SOme patterns are emerging and it shows mkts like Nikkie are still making lower lows ...and there is activity in yen are all european mkts ....

Our own index too ...may be we are in a bull market who knows liquidity can do strange things but what if this is the worst bear mkt like 1929... where the index lost 90% fromt he top

Sensex 90% from the top(which is possible with 2010 cycle 2012 being an imporant period ) ...i dont know people cant imagine that i think ...but for all this need some triggers to play out ....everyone loves china ....or say chinindia ....too bullish i think.

I think there is every chance that it go go either way sensex going to moon say 1lkh with EWI predicting that ...but cant rule out the other scenario ...things plunging 90%
Even if someone gets in at 21k he would make 5 times right in 10 years ...still pretty good returns ....but this is really publicized target...Need to think contra way also

Till then lets see what are the trigger which really move things in march quant easing led to a massive rally across the board


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Why This is worse than the GREAT DEPRESSION

So many people consider this as the great bull run and i saw the EW prediction of 15 year super bull run(which i seriously doubt ).What are we talking about here ...will growth be so great? but interesting call though by EWI .But anyway cant rule it out coz anything can happen...we have seen Nikkie or the dow (from 1987 to 2000)...

But there can be another scenario building up which is that the great depression 2 which would be much worse than version 1.0. Debt will have to be returned.Economies may collapse which has just begun.the next 4 years are going to be very interesting coz there is a convergence of many time cycles around 2010 to 2012... Btw in this period Gold can explode to new highs ...lets see that is is what history says this period it could go up 2x 3x times from current levels

I will try to post some be continued

World Bank: Economic crisis turning into calamity

I think there are two places where SNP can bottom out 600 or worst case 450 region if that happens u can imagine what will happen to our index or say any index.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Just a Quick Note on the BOTTOM

When everyone is calling for a bottom is it a bottom.I believe right now this market is bottomless till Fear of major declines reduces.Do u see major index stocks in a free fall .So next time someone says bottom is in think again .Posting the chart of the great depression .IT went from 400 to 40 in a few years.So thought learning from history is good but Return of CAPITAL IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN RETURN ON CAPITAL.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

WILL the GREENBACK crush other markets

Is the Euro zone in real trouble ...has the debasing war of currencies started ...

some good articles coming soon!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Could it is be a rally before a Collapse

You can judge for yourself .Time will tell if this was a real thing or sucker rally

GE Going to be 2$ soon

Also check this link which i found very interesting



Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Are You a good Trader

Their are four (5) major qualities a good trader must posses to succeed in the market

(1) Emotional and Psychological Discipline
(2) Sound Money Management Strategy
(3) Good Trading Strategy
(4) Strong Passion For Trading and Learning from others mistakes
(5) Strong intuitive ability to think before majority of them

Human beings have emotions , fear , greed, revenge and pride.When these things go out of control we make mistakes.If these emotions are not put into check being a good trader is very very tough.

M Mgmt strategies are a must when one is trading.This is the single most factor which can change desired outcome.For example lets say u have 100 bucks what would be your stop in a trade?
when u loose 10% to break even u need to gain 11%
Loose 30% u need to make 50% to break even
u loose 50% u need to make up 100% to break even

So cut ur losses when something has not gone your way.It also means when ur right try to make the most of it and when your wrong try to minimise how much you loose.

Good trading strategy----Lot of people ask me whats your strategy and what software you use.
Sure software helps but it also depends on how comfy you are with the software.You need to be accurate with ur observations and you should have some non conventional indicators to tell you that u can short or go long .It requires time and practice to achieve this( NOT easy at all).

On top of all of that – don't be so blinking emotional !
    Don't get excited when your pips are mounting.
    Don't be proud after closing a great trade.
    Don't revenge trade when you lose.
    Don't get angry if you miss an opportunity.
    Don't anxiously try to earn some money with each trade.
    Don't hope for too much and ...
    ... don't regret too deeply.

Will continue with some more on this topic .......

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Why people dont sell and Buy in BEAR trend like they do Buy and sell in Bull trend

An important Q ? Do u like to buy and sell only or u look for short selling also...?

The human mind is a funny thing.People see the obvious way of making money BUY and then SELL .Not everyone can do the reverse.If you see a seller is always smart and alert when compared to a normal buyer.Most people who do the regular buying are somehow attached to
the company in some way.They think of something and buy and wont sell even when it is time to sell.This kinda behaviour is not seen with a seller.And sellers dont have time to sell and hold they know they have to make their logic look good .Take a case of Lnt why did it go up so much and why did go down so much if all those guys invested in that company are long term.How many people came out witha sell report when the bull market was on? now everyone wants to rush and sell.Really weird logic !!!If you look at normal business are built around perception and hope and loads of emotions.When the hope or the story is shaken it changes the emotion and the sentiment.The important things which drive the market are emotion and sentiment.

It took 5 years to build the bull mkt and it took 1 year to nuke that .A lot of so people talk about economy and numbers and crisis what not .Do people talk about how much they made or lost in this phase of so called bull bear fight?Lots of people who talk all this are on the buy side so where are the sellers? Sellers have a low profile always .Is it like the smart keep shut and the dumb make noise all the time.Seller is always like waiting for his move like a tiger waiting for his target
to strike at the right time unlike the buyer who jumps to buy in greed of making less in the move.Seller waits for the his turn to pound mercylessly.

BTW i wanted to ask you if your a short seller when do u short ? do you short when mkt is going down or short when all is good and green.We sell because we PANIC, which blinds us and we fail to comprehend that there is a limit down to where prices can go. We forget that markets always give another chance. We sell because we think that it is our last chance to exit and save the last paise we have left to salvage.

Have you ever wondered what is VALUE ?
The market doesnt see what is value and what is not it rises or gets pounded.Everyone says buy and hold.But seller never says sell and hold .There is a time to buy and selling at sometime completes the transaction.

so if you know how to sell you will know how to buy also.Dont listen to fools to tell you what to do so called analyst on CNBC. Make your own game plan and execute it.


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

How Markets react to News is important than the real news

Every market is a combination of sentiment , knowledge,rumour and news .The engine runs till there is news flow.It is like a game of Poker where other person is trying to read your hand and bet against you or challenges you to call his bluff.Media plays an important role in in feeding you nonsense all the time.Are they paid to talk crap who knows but that is left to you to believe or not to believe .So sentiment fluctuates depending on the interpretation of this so called tips or information which actually never works with smart people who know what is going on(as ARISTOTLE SAYS majority opinion doesnt make anything true).So the sentiment is powerful mechanism which affects the price of anything.

Now how to interpret it ...may be technicals help but yea it can be manipulated.So how to seperate the noise ? not an easy thing to do.One really needs to have a not so famous indicator which is tried and tested or look for some clues which are weird .For example take gold everyone is bullish.Why it is obvious that gold is a safe haven.But do u buy it now .No you wait and you check at what price it will be a bargain and from there how much can u loose if your wrong and how much you can make if you right.

take a simple example if something is going up withought news one needs to find why it is going up.Coz someone knows somethign that others dont know.not a good idea to go short.But if something is going up with the news time to be alert coz someone is just wanted it to go up and may be making a you a big sukker(Best example was our own private bank which was in News for all the hidden reasons).NEVER follow what is obvious unless is it meaningless momentum position.

Another thing to watch is so called Targets...this is like everyones favourite buy this tgt so much or sell this tgt so much should ask how does one know it will come to that target unless he is a trained person .absolute nonsense .The so called analyst give meaningless targets (one should ask them if they knew the target our they buying).Anyway when declaring a report on a particular stock analyst include a price target.Lot of guys think that if a stock has a target of say 100 and it is trading at 70 it is a bargain and shoudl be bought .WRONG logic.Money is not for free .Whatever analyst say is not gospel to be beileaved .SO next time you see a price target by some stupid analyst dont count on it coz he might be buying it before you and making a big sukker out of you.

Anyway just wanted to start something so i DID .... will write or post something whenever it is possible .


Posting an article which i read recently

How to React to the Bad Market News
by Michael Swanson

One thing that stands out though is a lot of people news items. For instance going into last week I had someone email and ask about the earnings for airline stocks. They wanted to know if they should buy or sell because of the earnings. How to game the news so to speak.

This is something I do not do at all. I don't base buying decisions based on news items and certainly not ahead of them. Usually if you react to a news item the news has already been priced in by the market so you are putting yourself way behind the curve. As far as trying to game the news I simply can't predict what an earnings report is going to be or what the economic news is going to be either. All I do is figure out what the trend is and try to ride that trend for as long as possible - and do my best to realize when it changes.

If you watch CNBC or read the financial press though you get bombarded by news and opinions. It can prevent you from sticking with the trends by putting unnecessary fear into you. For instance a lot of attention is put on the employment numbers. Going into employment numbers the reporters will say the market is waiting on the numbers and if they are bad it might dump. They say something like that so you get scared to act. Then the news is bad and the market goes up anyway.

The important thing is always the trend of the market. Not the news. News can be bad and the market can go up nonetheless.

We are through the first big week of earnings reports from corporate American and over half of the companies that have reported so far have missed their earnings estimates. 50 of the 92 companies in the S&P 500 that have reported have missed, while many of these companies have refused to give earnings forecasts for the rest of the year.

56% of the companies that have reported have shown a drop in sales from a year ago. This is the sixth quarter in a row that earnings have shrunk - a run of quarters not seen since 1951.

If that news isn't bad for you how about this. On Friday the government is going to release 4th quarter GDP numbers. They are expected to post a decline of 5.2%. That would be the worst quarter for the US economy since 1982.

Well with all of this bad news you would think the stock market would be in total collapse, but it isn't.

You see the market has already been dropping into all of this bad news. It fell over 10% from its January high in just the space of a few weeks.

Last week the S&P 500 held the 800 level and bounced of it on Friday. Earlier this month I had been looking for the market to fall below this level and bottom nears its November lows - but last week's strength suggests that it might be bottoming right here. If that's the case then everyone who has been selling because the news is bad is going to be left behind when the next rally really gets going.

It all has to do with the trend of the market. The easiest way to identify a trend is to see if the market is making higher highs and higher lows. If so then you have an uptrend in progress. Now if you have lower highs and lower lows in progress then you have a downtrend going. I talked about this last year in a video I put together about using this type of trend analysis to figure out where to place stop loss orders.

law of life: "Things are easier to get into than out of."

law of life: "Things are easier to get into than out of."